Furukawa Company Group

Furukawa Tunneling Equipment


ConAndino, Chirajará - Fundadores Project


The Chirajará -Fundadores Project is part of the construction of the double road Bogotá - Villavicencio in its final route of 23 kilometers, which includes the construction of 7 road tunnels and several bridges and viaducts that will facilitate the automobile traffic between the two cities.

The construction of the tunnels has been developed with a fleet of 7 Furukawa Tunneling Equipment of different characteristics that have been adapted to the geology and size of the tunnels and where their reliability and high mechanical availability (92%) have allowed the development of the excavations of the tunnels according to the programming of ConAndino.

The excavation of the tunnels has been developed in different types of classification rock type III, IV and V that have generated for the builder and its designers a great challenge in the implementation of methodologies and auxiliary processes that allow the advance of the construction of a In this way, the Furukawa drilling equipment has been a great support in the methodology of the construction processes of each tunnel.

Present of the tunnels

Tunnel 1

Total length 1960 m. Excavation area 90m2 - 116m2

Portal Exit Tunnel 1
End of the tunnel

The tunnel has been completely excavated, its excavation started in January 2017 and its completion was reached in May 2018 (16 months).
Its construction included the excavation of two galleries (43m2) that facilitated the excavation of the main tunnel by adding 6 simultaneous work fronts.
The rock conditions in this tunnel have been mostly classified type III, which allowed to drill for blasting in 80% of its excavation, making a blasting plane of 120 - 140 perforations with diameters of 45mm and 51mm of a depth average of 2.5m.

The advances during the construction were on average of 2.5m per drilling cycle in front with averages of time for 120 - 140 (93m2) in 3m perforations of 130 - 140 min.
Auxiliary work such as bolting and installation of systems of lines and tines have been applied to facilitate the maintenance of the tunnel.
The fleet of Furukawa equipment used in its excavation consisted of 1 Jumbo JTH3200, 2 Jumbos JTH2100,

Jumbo Furukawa JTH3200
Jumbo Furukawa JTH2100

The design characteristics of the Furukawa equipment have facilitated the auxiliary construction work of the tunnel, highlighting the JTH3200 equipment whose design includes two lateral baskets that have been highly used for the injection work and the installation of linings and spilling.

Tunnel 2

Total length 549m. Excavation area 90m2

Exit Portal Tunnel 2

Its excavation began in April 2018, the characteristics of type IV and V rock require the implementation of a 76mm line system in a large percentage of its excavation and the construction methodology involves digging the upper part and lateral benches that help the support of the rocky massif.

Excavación del frente por etapas.

The excavation of the tunnel will be carried out only by a work front and its completion is estimated in December 2018 (8 months).
The installation of the umbrella system with lost bit is taking a time of 5 to 6 hours for the drilling and installation of 26 lines of 9m long and 76mm in diameter.
The drilling and umbrella work is being done using the jumbo Furukawa JTH2100R, the use of its central basket facilitates the work of injection and linings and other auxiliary work within the tunnel.
The work of mechanical advance for tunnel drilling currently allows an advance of 1.2m to 1.5m per cycle

Tunnel 3

Total length 2200m. Excavation area 90m2 - 116m2

Exit Portal Tunnel 3

The rock conditions in this type III tunnel in much of its route facilitate its advance by means of blasting the front and the installation of spilling for the support of rock, however, it is contemplated to find rock conditions type V and terrace that they will require the installation of umbrella and the implementation of support bolts in greater quantity.

Its construction started in September 2017 with the excavation of a gallery (Gallery3, 375m / 43m2) that will allow to excavate the entire tunnel through 3 work fronts at the same time.
The final excavation of the tunnel is estimated at 30 months (March 2020)

Entrance portal Gallery 3

The total excavation of the gallery has been completed and a Sandvik DT820 Jumbo has been used in its drilling works, due to the fact that due to simultaneous work in the work fronts ConAndino required the rental of 2 more units to the fleet of 7 Furukawa jumbos present in the project, rent contract that will be finalized during the month of July.

The front perforation (90m2 - 116m2) is taking an average of 120 to 150 minutes for 120 - 140 holes of 3m length and 45 - 51mm in diameter, it is estimated to reduce this time when you start working with Jumbo 3 arms JTH3200 drilling both upstream and downstream on the main line of the tunnel.

The auxiliary tasks necessary for the excavation of the tunnel in the zones of complex rock condition type V and terrace will require the use of the attachments of the Furukawa Jumbos as are the baskets of the model JTH3200 with lateral baskets will provide greater ergonomics, ease and safety of these tasks without limit the use of the 3 drill arms.

Tunnel 5

Total length 1640m. Excavation area 90m2 - 116m2

Exit Portal Tunnel 5

Its excavation began in February 2018 and has required the excavation of an auxiliary gallery (Gallery 5 176m / 43m2), the rock conditions are type 5 in most of its route which will require the implementation of 76 mm umbrella system in much of its construction.

Portal Gallery 5, Tunnel 5

The total perforation of the gallery and the main tunnel will be done with Jumbo Furukawa models JTH2RS and JTH2100R.

Jumbo Furukawa JTH2RS
Jumbo JTH2100R

Here it is important to reiterate the support and assistance that the operation receives with the use of the lateral baskets of the Jumbo Furukawa JTH2RS as well as the Jumbo Furukawa JTH3200, allow front personnel to carry out activities of umbrella, injection, installation of bolts, etc., in a more agile, simple and safe way.
At the time of finding type III rock, the advance will be made with blasting as the previous tunnels estimating the same drilling and advance times already obtained.

Tunnel 6

Total length 220m. Excavation area 90m2

Entrance Portal Tunnel 6

Its excavation ended in September 2017 after 5 months of drilling, its construction required the implementation of the 76mm umbrella system and was performed with a Jumbo JTH2100R in the total of its route.
Its development required great use of Furukawa hydraulic breakers, due to the type of rock it was necessary to make high volumes of mechanical excavation.
It is currently in its stage of coating and implementation of electrical works.

Obras de recubrimiento e instalaciones eléctricas Túnel

Tunnel 7

Total length 4928m. Excavation area 90m2 - 116m2

Exit Portal Tunnel 7
Entance Portal Tunnel 7

Its excavation began in December 2016, its execution is being carried out from two fronts of work simultaneously. Its rock conditions are probably the most complicated in the project because its type of rock is not consolidated V with the presence of enough water that make its construction a complex task for both designers and builders of the work.
The work has been done with equipment Furukawa Model JTH2RS in the front exit (Villavicencio) and JTH2100R in the entrance front (Bogotá).

The use of the auxiliary baskets of the jumbos has been fundamental in the execution of the excavation until today, highlighting the use of the lateral baskets of the Jumbo JTH2RS that have been fundamental in the tasks of arches posture, concrete injection, installation of water drains in the front and of course in the drilling for the installation of umbrella system and anchor bolts.

The advance cycle of the fronts in this tunnel has been made in very short advances (50cm-70cm Villavicencio portal).

Jumbo JTH2RS with lateral baskets (Cages)

Furukawa underground Drilling equipment

Currently the project has required a fleet of 7 underground drilling equipment (Jumbos) Furukawa brand which have presented a good mechanical performance, resulting in good reliability and high availability (92%) of them, factors that have allowed the advance in the different work fronts and the implementation of the different drilling systems required in the excavation of the tunnels of the project.

It highlights the low need for specialized technical assistance in front to intervene unscheduled failures or corrective tasks not foreseen in the equipment, focusing the maintenance work to scheduled preventive and corrective maintenance work, necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment.

The maintenance cost of the fleet is low compared to its similar ones of other brands, which could have been verified on site by the client, the maintenance cost of HD220 drilling machines has also been low and of low frequency of requirement. (Change of wear components in less quantity)

The use of the equipment has been very easy for operators of ConAndino and the JTH2RS and JTH3200 model equipment stands out due to the implementation of 2 lateral baskets that allow carrying out auxiliary tasks almost simultaneously with the drilling operation, as well as arriving in certain moments to meet the need for other auxiliary equipment to perform minor tasks in the tunnel.

Furukawa Support in Project

The presence and support of direct factory personnel during the course of the project has been very relevant and important, not only limited to the delivery of equipment and training of personnel on site.

Delivery of the machine in Project
Trainning and support on field
Consultancy and recommendations to personnel in charge of work
Permanent presence on site of advisor personnel giving training and recomendations of the machine use
Follow-up on the work of Our Brand managers

Furukawa Surface Drilling Equipment

In the same way we must mention the good performance that has been achieved with our HCR 1200 surface drilling equipment.

The high volume of rock support work required in the project has shown the benefits of our HCR 1200 drilling equipment, its high level of productivity, its power and performance have proven to be the ideal equipment for this work on site.

Hidraulic Breakers

The large volume of mechanical excavation required in the construction of the tunnels has made these auxiliary equipment an important part of the progress of the work.
The FXJ 275 breakers have shown their power and good performance for the execution of this mechanical excavation.

Drilling Tools

Another important factor in the development of the drilling works has been Furukawa steels and pipes, which have proved to be at the level of the different brands present in the market, as well as the support in their application and use within the project and The testing of new accessories directly from the factory has given ConAndino the necessary confidence for its application in a greater percentage of the execution of the works.

The performance of Furukawa drilling steels has been in line with the market standard, generating greater cost control for the customer.

Drill bit 45mm, 51mm, 64mm 500 a 600 m
Rod steel 1500 – 2000m
Coupling 3000 – 3500m
Shank Rod HD220 3000 - 3500m


Ing. Eduard Restrepo Vallejo.
FRD Latino América.